About Us

Our Story
In 1982, Joan Aon, opened a metaphysical bookstore called The Ark.
Though her budget was small her dream was big, to provde sanctuary for spiritual seekers from all walks of life.
She had always sensed that others would join her in her venture; within the first year, Arielle and Jamil Kilbride appeared. Together they moved The Ark (from the location on Johnson Street) to an old adobe in a residential Santa Fe neighborhood, on Romero Street. They renovated it with sunny enthusiasm and hopes for success.
The Ark continued to emerge as a well-spring of peace, beauty, and inclusivity.
The community flocked to its mystic shelves and tranquil gardens.
Over the years, The Ark family has certainly evolved and changed. In 2011 Arielle and Jamil retired to pursue a greater calling and Tsering Tsomo (A long-time staff member) stepped up to become Ark's co-owner. The store broadened its role as a spiritual emporium while honoring the essence of every past contributor. After more than four decades, The Ark continues to illuminate hearts and minds with its comprehensive selection of books and tools for joy and transformation. Although its reach is ever expanding, its philosophy remains the same, Love is the Bottom Line.